Optimising theatre allocation at the click of a button

Alloc8tor’s theatre allocation module allows hospitals to maximise the use of their most expensive resource… their operating theatres.

Alloc8tor allows whole lists or part of lists to be offered out to selected groups of surgeons depending on the skill mix of the theatre staff and equipment available in the theatre.

The presence of facilities such as laminar flow, microscopes or in-theatre X-Ray can also determine who is appropriate to offer the theatre to.

Vacancies are posted by the theatre management team and all the relevant surgeons and their secretaries get visualisation of these available theatres. Responses by the secretaries or surgeons are visible to the theatre management team who then allocate the theatre availability appropriately. As in other areas of Alloc8tor, a comprehensive series of email, SMS and in-app alerts are sent to all relevant parties at all stages of the allocation process.

Optimised theatre allocation

Please contact us here to discuss using Alloc8tor to help improve theatre utilisation in your hospital.